Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hard working. Long day. Future America.

The First Amendment

In my opinion I believe that the first have one at amendment is the most important one in the bill of rights because you can express freedom of speech, religion, and protects the rights of the assembly. For instance if we didn't have freedom of speech who would we be?  we would have no say of how we wanna live our life or have an opinion.
 Freedom of religion supports an individual to practice any religion they want. this also includes a person to change there religion, or to discontinue membership and dedication to a religion or religious group this is called apostasy , know one will live here if they can't have the freedom to to practice their beliefs.
Freedom of assembly which means a group of people can come together and protest peacefully . I really like this
one because protesting peacefully has successfully worked and stopped a lot of things.

Quote from page 170 - Do you agree or disagree with it?

The quote that I chose on page 170 is by Lucy Flucker Knox, "I hope you will not consider yourself as commander-in-chief of your own house, but be convinced, that there is such a thing as equal command." The reason why I chose this quote because I agree with it that each human being should have control over themselves instead of people telling them what to do even if they don't want to. If you don't want to do something, you shouldn't have to just because you were told to do so. Each person shouldn't have to live under someone's wing but live freely under their own control. All commanders shouldn't feel like they should be in control all the times and it also goes for the government. The government does things that we think is unfair, that's why we protest against it. You see how there is always a leader in a group? The leader should support what the members in the group want and listen to their opinion. If they don't like the choice that the leader made, a member has the right to disagree with it because we all have equal rights.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Declaration of Independence: Failure or Success?

In my opinion, the Declaration of Independence was a huge success. I think it was a success because if the men had never signed the Declaration of Independence, America probably wouldn't exist right now. This was something that provided them the independence that they were fighting for so many years. Like many other states and countries, the US was also a country that were under Great Britain's rule. The British soon started to divide the land into 13 different territories and started to rule them. The representatives finally grew the courage to fight for their freedom. After the achievement of gaining freedom, the thirteen American colonies regarded themselves as independent states and no longer a part of the British Empire. Not only did we won freedom from Great Britain, it also inspired other countries to fight for their freedom as well. We are the land of the free and home of the brave.